Results for 'Ralf Matti Jäger'

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  1.  6
    Das Spielen zwischen Intentionalität und Pathischem im Erleben & Kunstschaffen: ein Beitrag zur phänomenologischen Anthropologie.Ralf Matti Jäger - 2017 - Wendland: Verwandeln Verlag.
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    The Relative Importance of Target and Judge Characteristics in Shaping the Moral Circle.Bastian Jaeger & Matti Wilks - 2023 - Cognitive Science 47 (10):e13362.
    People's treatment of others (humans, nonhuman animals, or other entities) often depends on whether they think the entity is worthy of moral concern. Recent work has begun to investigate which entities are included in a person's moral circle, examining how certain target characteristics (e.g., species category, perceived intelligence) and judge characteristics (e.g., empathy, political orientation) shape moral inclusion. However, the relative importance of target and judge characteristics in predicting moral inclusion remains unclear. When predicting whether a person will deem an (...)
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    An extended view on lifting Gaussian Bayesian networks.Mattis Hartwig, Ralf Möller & Tanya Braun - 2024 - Artificial Intelligence 330 (C):104082.
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  4. The Normative Pluriverse.Matti Eklund - 2020 - Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy 18 (2).
    According to a certain pluralist view in philosophy of mathematics, there are as many mathematical objects as there can coherently be. Recently, Justin Clarke-Doane has explored what consequences the analogous view on normative properties would have. What if there is a normative pluriverse? Here I address this same question. The challenge is best seen as a challenge to an important form of normative realism. I criticize the way Clarke-Doane presents the challenge. An improved challenge is presented, and the role of (...)
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  5. Carnap and ontological pluralism.Matti Eklund - 2009 - In Ryan Wasserman, David Manley & David Chalmers (eds.), Metametaphysics: New Essays on the Foundations of Ontology. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press. pp. 130--56.
    My focus here will be Rudolf Carnap’s views on ontology, as these are presented in the seminal “Empiricism, Semantics and Ontology” (1950). I will first describe how I think Carnap’s distinction between external and internal questions is best understood. Then I will turn to broader issues regarding Carnap’s views on ontology. With certain reservations, I will ascribe to Carnap an ontological pluralist position roughly similar to the positions of Eli Hirsch and the later Hilary Putnam. Then I turn to some (...)
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  6. Intuitions, Conceptual Engineering, and Conceptual Fixed Points.Matti Eklund - 2015 - In Christopher Daly (ed.), Palgrave Handbook on Philosophical Methods. Palgrave Macmillan.
  7. (1 other version)The picture of reality as an amorphous lump.Matti Eklund - 2008 - In Theodore Sider, John P. Hawthorne & Dean W. Zimmerman (eds.), Contemporary debates in metaphysics. Malden, MA: Blackwell. pp. 382--96.
    (1) Abstract objects. The nominalist (as the label is used today) denies that there exist abstract objects. The platonist holds that there are abstract objects. One example is numbers. The nominalist denies that there are numbers; the platonist typically affirms it.
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  8. What are Thick Concepts?Matti Eklund - 2011 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 41 (1):25-49.
    Many theorists hold that there is, among value concepts, a fundamental distinction between thin ones and thick ones. Among thin ones are concepts like good and right. Among concepts that have been regarded as thick are discretion, caution, enterprise, industry, assiduity, frugality, economy, good sense, prudence, discernment, treachery, promise, brutality, courage, coward, lie, gratitude, lewd, perverted, rude, glorious, graceful, exploited, and, of course, many others. Roughly speaking, thick concepts are value concepts with significant descriptive content. I will discuss a number (...)
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  9. Replacing Truth?Matti Eklund - 2014 - In Alexis Burgess & Brett Sherman (eds.), Metasemantics: New Essays on the Foundations of Meaning. New York: Oxford University Press.
  10. The existence of personites.Matti Eklund - 2020 - Philosophical Studies 177 (7):2051-2071.
    Mark Johnston and Eric Olson have both pressed what Johnston has dubbed the personite problem. Personites, if they exist, are person-like entities whose lives extend over a continuous proper part of a person’s life. They are so person-like that they seem to have moral status if persons do. But this threatens to wreak havoc with ordinary moral thinking. For example, simple decisions to suffer some short-term hardship for long-term benefits become problematic. And ordinary punishment is always also punishment of the (...)
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  11. Inconsistency and replacement.Matti Eklund - 2019 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 62 (4):387-402.
    The article is an extended critical discussion of Kevin Scharp’s Replacing Truth. Scharp’s case for the claim that the concept of truth is inconsistent is criticized, and so is his case for the claim that the concept of truth must be replaced because of its inconsistency.
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  12. Metaontology.Matti Eklund - 2006 - Philosophy Compass 1 (3):317-334.
    Metaontology – the study of the nature of ontological issues – has flourished in recent years. The focus of this summary will be on some views and arguments that are central to today’s debate. One theme will be that of how seriously to take ontology: whether there is reason to take a skeptical or deflationary attitude toward ontological claims, as theorists like Rudolf Carnap, Hilary Putnam, and Eli Hirsch in different ways have urged. The other theme will be that of (...)
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    Acceptance in incomplete argumentation frameworks.Dorothea Baumeister, Matti Järvisalo, Daniel Neugebauer, Andreas Niskanen & Jörg Rothe - 2021 - Artificial Intelligence 295 (C):103470.
  14. Carnap's Legacy for the Contemporary Metaontological Debate.Matti Eklund - 2016 - In Stephan Blatti & Sandra Lapointe (eds.), Ontology after Carnap. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press UK.
  15. Hale and Wright on the Metaontology of Neo-Fregeanism.Matti Eklund - 2016 - In Philip A. Ebert & Marcus Rossberg (eds.), Abstractionism: Essays in Philosophy of Mathematics. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press UK.
  16. Fiction, indifference, and ontology.Matti Eklund - 2005 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 71 (3):557–579.
    In this paper I outline an alternative to hermeneutic fictionalism, an alternative I call indifferentism, with the same advantages as hermeneutic fictionalism with respect to ontological issues but avoiding some of the problems that face fictionalism. The difference between indifferentism and fictionalism is this. The fictionalist about ordinary utterances of a sentence S holds, with more orthodox views, that the speaker in some sense commits herself to the truth of S. It is only that for the fictionalist this is truth (...)
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  17. Deconstructing Ontological Vagueness.Matti Eklund - 2008 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 38 (1):117-140.
    I will here present a number of problems concerning the idea that there is ontological vagueness, and the related claim that appeal to this idea can help solve some vagueness-related problems. A theme underlying the discussion will be the distinction between vagueness specifically and indeterminacy more generally (and, relatedly, the distinction between ontological vagueness and ontological indeterminacy). Even if the world is somehow ontologically indeterminate it by no means follows that it is, properly speaking, ontologically vague.1..
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  18. Variance Theses in Ontology and Metaethics.Matti Eklund - 2019 - In Alexis Burgess, Herman Cappelen & David Plunkett (eds.), Conceptual Engineering and Conceptual Ethics. New York, USA: Oxford University Press.
  19. (2 other versions)Being Metaphysically Unsettled: Barnes and Williams on Metaphysical Indeterminacy and Vagueness.Matti Eklund - 2008 - Oxford Studies in Metaphysics 6:6.
    This chapter discusses the defence of metaphysical indeterminacy by Elizabeth Barnes and Robert Williams and discusses a classical and bivalent theory of such indeterminacy. Even if metaphysical indeterminacy arguably is intelligible, Barnes and Williams argue in favour of it being so and this faces important problems. As for classical logic and bivalence, the chapter problematizes what exactly is at issue in this debate. Can reality not be adequately described using different languages, some classical and some not? Moreover, it is argued (...)
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    Realism in Archaeology – A Philosophical Perspective.Matti Sintonen - 2020 - In Wenceslao J. Gonzalez (ed.), New Approaches to Scientific Realism. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 365-388.
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    The pragmatics of scientific explanation.Matti Sintonen - 1984 - Helsinki: Academic Bookstore [distributor].
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    Aristotle, fundamentals of the history of his development.Werner Wilhelm Jaeger - 1934 - Oxford,: Clarendon Press. Edited by Richard Robinson.
  23. Reply to critics.Matti Eklund - 2020 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 63 (5):535-561.
    Reply to Stephanie Leary’s, Kris McDaniel’s, Tristram McPherson’s and David Plunkett’s articles on Choosing Normative Concepts (OUP, 2017) in book symposium in Inquiry.
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  24. Die Pflicht, dem Menschen seine Würde zu erhalten.Ralf Stoecker - 2010 - Zeitschrift Für Menschenrechte 2010 (1):98-116.
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    Menschenwürde und das Paradox der Entwürdigung.Ralf Stoecker - 2003 - In Menschenwürde – Annäherungen an einen Begriff. öbv&hpt. pp. 133-151.
    Der Rückgriff auf die Menschenwürde ist in der modernen angewandten Ethik verbreitet, sein Stellenwert ist aber, wie sich auch in vielen Beiträgen dieses Buches zeigt, moraltheoretisch höchst umstritten. Es ist nicht nur unklar, ob die Menschenwürde tatsächlich ein eigenständig zu respektierendes Gut ist, sondern vor allem, was Menschenwürde überhaupt ist und welches Verhalten sie von uns fordert. Diese Unklarheiten wecken wiederum Zweifel daran, ob es sinnvoll ist, der Menschenwürde einen prominenten Platz in der Ethik zuzuweisen (jenseits eines „Präambel- und Bekenntnisdaseins“, (...)
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  26. Vagueness and Second-Level Indeterminacy.Matti Eklund - 2010 - In Richard Dietz & Sebastiano Moruzzi (eds.), Cuts and clouds: vagueness, its nature, and its logic. New York: Oxford University Press.
    My theme here will be vagueness. But first recall Quine’s arguments for the indeterminacy of translation and the inscrutability of reference. (I will presume these arguments to be familiar.) If Quine is right, then there are radically different acceptable assignments of semantic values to the expressions of any language: different assignments of semantic values that for all that is determined by whatever it is that determines semantic value are all acceptable, and all equally good. Quine even argued that the indeterminacy (...)
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  27. Rejectionism about truth.Matti Eklund - 2010 - In Cory Wright & Nikolaj Jang Lee Linding Pedersen (eds.), New Waves in Truth. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
  28.  18
    What is preferred in the in–out effect: articulation locations or articulation movement direction?Anita Körner & Ralf Rummer - 2022 - Cognition and Emotion 36 (2):230-239.
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    Early Christianity and Greek Paideia.Herbert Musurillo & Werner Jaeger - 1963 - American Journal of Philology 84 (2):209.
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    Incremental implicit learning of bundles of statistical patterns.Ting Qian, T. Florian Jaeger & Richard N. Aslin - 2016 - Cognition 157 (C):156-173.
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    Welcher-Weg experiment (compendium entry).Paul Busch & Gregg Jaeger - unknown
    This is an entry to the Compendium of Quantum Physics, edited by F Weinert, K Hentschel and D Greenberger, to be published by Springer-Verlag.
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    L’héritage conservateur du néolibéralisme.Martin Beddeleem & Nathanaël Colin-Jaeger - 2020 - Astérion 23 (23).
    The 1930s and 1940s marked a period of crisis for liberalism. Authors as diverse as Friedrich Hayek, Wilhelm Röpke, Walter Lippmann, Michael Polanyi and Louis Rougier came together at two seminal events, the Walter Lippmann Colloquium in 1938 and the creation of the Mont-Pèlerin Society in 1947, to rethink liberalism. This rethinking of the liberal project prompted them to carry out a diagnosis of the crisis of liberalism, which, for the authors mentioned, dated back to the French Revolution. This article (...)
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    Optimal Sense-Making and Resilience in Times of Pandemic: Integrating Rationality and Meaning in Psychotherapy.Pninit Russo-Netzer & Matti Ameli - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The global COVID-19 pandemic has triggered a wide variety of psychological crises worldwide. In order to respond rapidly and efficiently to the complex challenges, mental health professionals are required to adopt a multidimensional and integrative view. Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy founded by Albert Ellis promotes rationality and self-acceptance. Logotherapy, pioneered by Viktor Frankl potentiates meaning and resilience. Both approaches are complementary and mutually enriching. The goal of this paper is to propose an integrative model of “optimal sense-making,” a concept that (...)
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    Inequality and Optimal Redistribution.Hannu Tanninen, Matti Tuomala & Elina Tuominen - 2019 - Cambridge University Press.
    From the 1980s onward income inequality increased in many advanced countries. It is very difficult to account for the rise in income inequality using the standard labour supply/demand explanation. Fiscal redistribution has become less effective in compensating increasing inequalities since the 1990s. Some of the basic features of redistribution can be explained through the optimal tax framework developed by J.A. Mirrlees in 1971. This Element surveys some of the earlier results in linear and nonlinear taxation and produces some new numerical (...)
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    Inferring causes during speech perception.Linda Liu & T. Florian Jaeger - 2018 - Cognition 174 (C):55-70.
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  36. Incoherentism and the Sorites Paradox.Matti Eklund - 2019 - In Sergi Oms & Elia Zardini (eds.), The Sorites Paradox. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
  37. Peter Van Inwagen on material beings.Matti Eklund - 2002 - Ratio 15 (3):245–256.
    Peter van Inwagen's book Material Beings is centered on the special composition question: the question of when some simples constitute a complex object. Van Inwagen's answer to this question is that simples only constitute a complex object when they constitute an organism. I argue that van Inwagen's reasoning in favor of this conclusion is unconvincing, and also that the significance of the special composition question itself is doubtful.
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    Action and subtraction.Robert A. Jaeger - 1973 - Philosophical Review 82 (3):320-329.
  39. Grundbegriffe.Martin Heidegger & Petra Jaeger - 1981 - Frankfurt am Main: Klostermann.
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  40. The Metametaphysics of Neo-Fregeanism.Matti Eklund - 2020 - In Ricki Bliss & James Miller (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Metametaphysics. New York, NY: Routledge.
  41. Alien Structure and Themes from Analytic Philosophy.Matti Eklund - 2019 - Giornale di Metafisica 41 (1):195-208.
    We think of the world as consisting of objects, with properties and standing in relations. There are, to be sure, different views on what objects etc. there are, and on what their natures are. And some theorists want to subtract some elements from this picture. For example, the ontological nihilist says that there are no objects. But still, the view described is very much orthodoxy—so much orthodoxy that one may need to be reminded that the view that the world consists (...)
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    Kinderrechte und Kinderwürde.Ralf Stoecker - 2013 - In Falk Bornmüller & Arnd Pollmann (eds.), Menschenrechte und Demokratie. Georg Lohmann zum 65. Geburtstag. pp. 387-407.
    So einleuchtend der Gedanke ist, dass alle Menschen qua ihres Menschseins und unabhängig von ihren individuellen Eigenschaften gleich an Würde und Rechten sind, so unbefriedigend scheint er jedoch auf den ersten Blick zu sein, wenn man sich dem Thema der Kinderwürde und Kinderrechte zuwendet. Denn erstens scheint es auch innerhalb des grundsätzlichen Rechts auf moralische Berücksichtigung spezielle Formen der Achtung oder Missachtung der kindlichen Würde zu geben. Und zweitens stellt sich das Problem eines richtigen Verständnisses der Kinderwürde noch einmal grundsätzlicher, (...)
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    Der menschliche Körper ist das beste Bild der menschlichen Seele.Ralf Stoecker - 2011 - In Anne Reichold & Pascal Delhom (eds.), Normativität des Körpers. Freiburg: Verlag Karl Alber. pp. 37-53.
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    (1 other version)Das Pilatus-Problem und die Vorzüge eines dynamischen Verantwortungsbegriffs.Ralf Stoecker - 2007 - In Jochen Berendes (ed.), Autonomie durch Verantwortung. Impulse für die Ethik in den Wissenschaften. pp. 147-160.
    Der Begriff der Verantwortung spielt eine zentrale Rolle für die Moralphilosophie. Verantwortung ist eine Konsequenz unserer Handlungsfähigkeit sowie eine Vorbedingung von Verdienst und Schuld. Was allerdings in der Moralphilosophie häufig unter Verantwortung verstanden wird, ist in einer wichtigen Hinsicht simpler als unser alltägliches Verantwortungsverständnis, weil ihm dessen dynamischer Charakter fehlt. Ziel meines Beitrags ist es, auch in der Philosophie stattdessen für einen komplexen, dynamischen Verantwortungsbegriff zu plädieren. Nach meiner Überzeugung lassen sich dadurch eine Reihe schwieriger philosophischer Probleme auflösen und vor (...)
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    Erläuterungen der Menschenwürde aus ihrem Würdecharakter.Ralf Stoecker & Christian Neuhäuser - 2013 - In Jan C. Joerden, Eric Hilgendorf & Felix Thiele (eds.), Menschenwürde und Medizin: ein interdisziplinäres Handbuch. Berlin: Duncker Und Humblot. pp. 38-73.
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    Ein wirklich ernstes philosophisches Problem. Philosophische Reflexionen über den Suizid.Ralf Stoecker - 2006 - Vorgänge 45 (2):4-23.
    „Es gibt nur ein wirklich ernstes philosophisches Problem: den Selbstmord.“ Mit diesem Satz beginnt Albert Camus Buch „Der Mythos des Sisyphos“, „Alles andere – ob die Welt drei Dimensionen und der Geist neun oder zwölf Kategorien hat – kommt später.“ Camus hat Recht, dass es wichtig ist, philosophisch über den Suizid nachzudenken, wichtiger jedenfalls als über die Dimensionen der Welt oder die Kategorien des Geistes. Worin er allerdings Unrecht hat ist, dass der Suizid ein wirklich ernstes philosophisches Problem darstellt. Wie (...)
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    Grundfragen und aktuelle Herausforderungen der ärztlichen Sterbebegleitung aus philosophischer Sicht.Ralf Stoecker - 2019 - In Lindemann M. Eidam L. (ed.), Grundfragen und aktuelle Herausforderungen der ärztlichen Sterbebegleitung. pp. 103-116.
    Sterbehilfe ist ein weites, vielschichtiges Themenfeld, in das eine Reihe von grundsätzlichen Debatten der modernen Moralphilosophie hineinspielen. In dem folgenden Überblick möchte ich deshalb vier verschiedene Formen der Sterbehilfe betrachten - Sterbenlassen, Tötung auf Verlangen, Inkaufnahme des Todes, ärztlich assistierter Suizid - und jeweils eine Brücke zu einer entsprechenden Debatte schlagen: Patientenautonomie, Tötungsverbot, Tun und Geschehenlassen sowie Sterben in Würde.
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  48. In Würde altern.Ralf Stoecker - 2017 - In Brandhorst M. Weber-Guskar E. (ed.), Menschenwürde: Eine philosophische Debatte über Dimensionen ihrer Kontingenz. pp. 338-360.
    Kurz nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg veröffentlichte Bertolt Brecht eine Reihe von so genannten "Kalendergeschichten". Eine dieser Kalendergeschichten hatte den Titel "Die unwürdige Greisin", und sie handelte von seiner Großmutter. Brecht berichtet darin von den letzten beiden Lebensjahren der alten Frau. Bis zum Tod ihres Mannes hatte sie offensichdich ein aufopferungsvolles Leben ganz im Dienste der Familie geführt. In den beiden Jahren danach veränderte sie ihr Leben aber auf dramatische Weise. Sie lockerte die Verbindungen zu ihren erwachsenen Kindern und suchte sich (...)
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    Meine Gedanken von Ferne? - Gedankenlesen als neuroethisches Problem.Ralf Stoecker - 2014 - Angewandte Philosophie. Eine Internationale Zeitschrift 2014 (1):102-120.
    Contemporary research on Neuroimaging seems to provide various techniques toread a personÏs mind and her individual thoughts. In this essay I examine someethical and metaphysical aspects of mind reading with a focus on how techniques ofmind-reading might concern the idea of human dignity.
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    Psychiatrische Ethik.Ralf Stoecker - 2011 - In Ralf Stoecker, Christian Neuheuser & Marie Luise Raters (eds.), Handbuch Angewandte Ethik. J.B. Metzler. pp. 468-474.
    Die Psychiatrie ist diejenige Teildisziplin der Medizin, die sich mit der Diagnostik, Therapie und PräventionPräventiongegen Suizid der seelischen (= psychischen) KrankheitenKrankheitpsychische beschäftigt. Neben der allgemeinen Psychiatrie zählen dazu auch die Suchtmedizin, Gerontopsychiatrie und forensische Psychiatrie. Enge Verbindungen und Überschneidungen gibt es mit der Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie, der Psychosomatik und Neurologie.
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